The summer weather is here and everyone is enjoying the sunshine. Enjoy the tips in the following newsletter as you go out and participate in all the fun activities that summer weather brings into our lives.
Tips for a safe summer: We are all spending more time outside and in the sun, we need to respect the sun because it can be both beneficial and harmful. Here are a few helpful tips that you can use to protect yourself and your family as you increase your time outside.
Now if a sun burn should happen it is important to remember not to put any oil based products on the burn as the oil will cover the burn and not allow it to give off its heat. Rather the heat will be directed back down towards the skin making the burn worse. An easy trick to help take the sting out of a sun burn is to apply white vinegar onto the burn. To help soothe a burn apply 100% aloe vera to it.
This is a great a great summer time drink for kids of all ages.
Cut the watermelon up into chunks, place chunks into blender and blend. Add ice and mix until it becomes a “slushy” type drink. Garnish with mint leaves and enjoy.
Some of my favorite drinks for the summer are simple drinks where you add fresh fruit to a bottle of bubbly water. These drinks are a great way to keep your family hydrated as you play in the sun.
Dr. Jaspreet Mundeir, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in the East Bay Area. She is the owner of East Bay Natural Medicine where she focuses on helping patients achieve their optimal health state using homeopathy, hydrotherapy, nutritional supplements, botanical medicine and bio-identical hormones.
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