When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really is the first line of defense. To keep your body’s defense system—the immune system—in peak condition, follow our immunity-boosting tips to help your body fight off the bugs looking for a host. And, for times when you are feeling ill, the second set of tips can help ease your symptoms and support a quick recovery.
The Environmental Working Group does invaluable work educating the public and one of their resources is the annual guide to Pesticides in Produce. We use this handy guide to help navigate the produce department at the grocery store. Take a peak at the 2023 updated guide below. Dirty Dozen – vitally important to buy this produce organic. Clean 15 – ok to buy non-organic when organic is not available. Download the guide here: EWG Dirty Dozen 2023.
The Power of Vitamin D Vitamin D: not only is it powerful, it’s vital for good health. Although it’s called a vitamin, D is actually a steroid hormone that acts as a catalyst for processes that protect our cells.
For millennia, physicians and herbalists have found medicinal uses for all parts of the elder tree, including its wood, leaves, flowers, and berries. The branches of this native European plant were believed to cast off evil spirits. Leaves were used in ointments to heal wounds. Flowers and berries were used to make wine; infusions were a common treatment for colds and rheumatic conditions. Today, herbalists and holistic physicians commonly recommend elderberry for its immunity-boosting properties.
Spring and fall are a time of renewal for the environment and great seasons to cleanse our internal bodies as well. Stress and toxins adversely affect the body and make it hard to maintain balance, putting tremendous strain on our body’s normal functions. Detoxification can improve vitality and reduce toxic body burdens, increase energy levels, and revitalize your immune system. Confused about the many detox diets and products from which to choose? Some detox plans may be extreme or complicated! Allow us to introduce a plan to you that is safe and manageable.
Are you looking for an effective way to boost your...
You’d probably never guess that a pair of wet socks...
Dandelion greens pack a nutritional punch. Serve them...
The Environmental Working Group has put out their latest...
By now most of my current patients have been to the...
When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really...
The Environmental Working Group does invaluable work...