It’s not shocking that at least 30% of Americans are sleep deprived. The benefits of sleep are endless – sleep improves our memory, sharpens our ability to think and be attentive to tasks at hand. Studies also show that people who get less sleep have higher inflammatory markers in their blood. If you are trying to lose weight, make sure you are not sleep deprived, sleep deprived people tend to feel more hungry.
Nutrient Deficiencies in Chronic Diseases Nutrient deficiencies can be caused by a variety to reasons – inadequate intake being the one that is the first to come to mind. Other causes include improper absorption by the GI tract, lack of activity, lack of cofactors and failure to transport to appropriate tissue.
Protein in our diet supplies us with essential amino acids that our body cannot synthesize. Amino acids are key players in forming cells, repairing tissues, carrying oxygen and assisting muscle activity. There are approximately 20 amino acids required by the body and half of these can by synthesized by our body’s cells.
Yogurt is an easy, healthy addition to anyone’s diet. First thing to make sure of is that you are not sensitive to dairy and dairy products. The culturing process of yogurt does make it more digestible than milk, some people who are unable to tolerate milk are able eat yogurt without issues.
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