Vitex, also known as Chaste Tree, is a herb primarily used to help regulate a women’s hormonal cycle. The fruit of this plant is used in herbal extracts and it helps shift the ratio of estrogen to progesterone in favor of progesterone. Chaste tree also acts on the body to help increase the release of luteinizing hormone (LH). The overall effect of this plant is to regulate the menstrual cycle.
September is Whole Grains Month! Replacing refined grains (think white flour, regular pasta, white rice, white bread) with whole grains helps lower our risk of many chronic diseases. Even if you only incorporate one serving of whole grains per day in your diet, you will see benefits! Studies have shown that whole grains reduce your risk of stroke, type II diabetes, heart disease and help you maintain your weight!
Last week’s blog post talked about why we need a multi-vitamin in our diets. One reason for adding in a multi-vitamin to your diet is that our produce has been declining in vitamin content over the years. Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are still the best source for many of our anti-oxidants and vitamins.
New patients often ask – Why do I need a multi-vitamin? A high quality multi helps make up for nutrient deficiencies that may be present in our body. The key is high quality – a study done a few years ago by found that more than half of the multi-vitamins tested did not meet their own label requirements and some were even contaminated by toxins such as lead.
Yet another study points to dietary intervention as an effective means of lowering cholesterol. Statin drugs have long been touted as a miracle drug, but their side effects are often too much to bear for some patients. In this latest study that is making news headlines all over – patients were prescribed a diet low in saturated fat (the control group) or the ‘dietary portfolio’ group that incorporated cholesterol lowering foods such as plant sterols, soy protein, viscous fibers and nuts.
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Dandelion greens pack a nutritional punch. Serve them...
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B Vitamins are involved in many metabolic reactions...
When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really...
The Environmental Working Group does invaluable work...