The hc3 trim program assists the body to burned stored fat as its primary energy source during a 40 day dietary program using a triple approach – homeopathic hCG, glandular support, and appetite control. This metabolic program contains the essential minerals, vitamin B-12, antioxidants, detoxification support and ketone testing supplies to support optimal success of the program without excessive hunger.
Today, November 18, is the 35th annual Great American Smokeout. The American Cancer Society urges smokers to use today as a date to make a plan to quit smoking. If you are a smoker, you can take today to plan an important step towards being healthier. Quitting smoking can reduce your cancer risk dramatically, take some time out of your schedule today to plan to quit. The key to giving up smoking is motivation. What motivates you?
This is a short, inspirational piece by Kevin Spacey, speaking about success and how it can only be measured at an individual level. We should all have written goals that we are working towards, those goals should include health, spiritual, career and family goals. I enjoy setting health goals with my patients and helping them achieve these goals is what defines my success as a Naturopathic Doctor. Our goals should be definable, achievable, and measurable.
Recently I had the pleasure to speak with Dr. Joseph Ibe of the Health IQ team. Health IQ is a team of dynamic health practitioners who aspire to arm the public with the tools and knowledge needed to make an educated decision when it comes to their own health. We got to talk about a few interesting topics – naturopathic medicine, women’s health and immune support through the holidays. My first experience with a radio interview/conversation was enjoyable! Listen to the broadcast by visiting the Health-IQ page on BlogTalkRadio or by clicking the play button below. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=731812″ width=”100%” height=”85″ ]
Are you looking for an effective way to boost your immune system function this winter season? Engystol is a homeopathic remedy formulated to specifically boost immune function. This immune booster injection is great for people who are weary of the preservatives and additives found in flu shots. Since the strains of the flu don’t always match up to the viral strains in the flu vaccination it is best to exercise other options in conjunction with or in place of the flu shot.
Are you looking for an effective way to boost your...
You’d probably never guess that a pair of wet socks...
Dandelion greens pack a nutritional punch. Serve them...
The Environmental Working Group has put out their latest...
B Vitamins are involved in many metabolic reactions...
When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really...
The Environmental Working Group does invaluable work...