First, I’d like to welcome all of our new subscribers to the Surat Naturopathic Newsletter – I hope you are able to make good use of the information found here. September is National 5-A-Day month – focus on establishing good dietary habits this month by including fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily meal plans.
Summer is winding down and this week has finally given us a taste of summer weather here in the Bay Area. Summer adventures often require us to pull out the good old first aid kit, this newsletter talks about what you should be sure to include in your first aid kit.
This newsletter is dedicated to the largest organ in the human body – SKIN! Since it is summer, we tend to show a little more skin; here are some tips to help you keep your skin healthy. If you haven’t been to the website lately, be sure to take a look – its been re-done with a blog, so check back often to read the latest posts!
The summer weather is here and everyone is enjoying the sunshine. Enjoy the tips in the following newsletter as you go out and participate in all the fun activities that summer weather brings into our lives.
Allergy Treatment Program I’m excited to offer my patients a unique, all-inclusive sublingual immunotherapy program. Sublingual immunotherapy is a safe and effective way of reversing allergic rhinitis. Imagine being able to face the spring months symptom free! No more itchy eyes and runny noses. AllergyEasy’s program was developed to reduce, stop, and reverse allergy symptoms one drop at a time.
Are you looking for an effective way to boost your...
You’d probably never guess that a pair of wet socks...
Dandelion greens pack a nutritional punch. Serve them...
The Environmental Working Group has put out their latest...
B Vitamins are involved in many metabolic reactions...
When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really...
The Environmental Working Group does invaluable work...