As the year comes to close and we enjoy the holiday festivities it becomes increasingly hard to keep our exercise routines up. This newsletter highlights easy ways to incorporate exercise into our daily routines. For my patients who received the holiday promotion letter – please send the letters back as soon as possible!
The weather is definitely cooler in the past few days – in this post, I’ve highlighted a warming herb. Easy to incorporate into your diet – ginger teas and gingers chews are probably life’s simple pleasures.
In the past few weeks I have been approached by many people asking about my thoughts on the Flu Vaccine and the H1N1 Flu Vaccine. In this newsletter I have gathered some data to help you make an educated decision. If you would like references or more information, please email me.
Summer is coming to a close and the flu and cold season is just around the corner. Establishing healthy habits right now can keep you happy and healthy throughout the fall and winter seasons. Detoxing or Cleansing is a great way to revitalize your immune system and maintaining your health. Experts are predicting that the flu will hit harder this season.
Stress and Adrenals We all deal with stress; stress from our job, our family, our lifestyle or an illness. The body’s response to stress is the same; however our ability to bounce back from stress differs from person to person. The difference has to do with our adrenal glands and how well are they functioning. The adrenal glands are responsible for the regulation of stress, through the synthesis of cortisol and adrenaline.
Are you looking for an effective way to boost your...
You’d probably never guess that a pair of wet socks...
Dandelion greens pack a nutritional punch. Serve them...
The Environmental Working Group has put out their latest...
B Vitamins are involved in many metabolic reactions...
When it comes to cold and flu season, prevention really...
The Environmental Working Group does invaluable work...